Sunday, March 16, 2014

"PATRIOTS" If Mass Media Won’t Report the Truth, We Must Do It Ourselves One On One


Allen West: If Mass Media Won’t Report The Truth, We Must Do It One On One, Blog,Post,Share,Start Your Own Website! Patriots Its Time To Get Loud!


This week President Obama broke out his pen again and signed off on an executive order that changes rules on overtime pay. This follows his use of that infamous pen to change minimum wage earnings. All of this comes from someone who’s never even run a lemonade stand.
I find it quite ironic that Americans rejected a person with immense private sector financial and business experience — Mitt Romney — for someone who only organized communities. Obama has overseen the most horrific and anemic economic recovery in the history of our Republic. Nearly every major economic indicator for America is going in the wrong direction, non-debatable. The biggest policy initiative of the Obama administration, Obamacare, is a running travesty and regularly demonstrates its failure. Regardless of what Nancy Pelosi says, I don’t think too many Democrats are going to be out there touting its attributes.
The only thing that has kept Barack Hussein Obama afloat has been the use of stagecraft, deception, and media accomplices. However, what is happening is what always happens with progressive socialism: eventually the theory has to be implemented and it always fails.
Academics, as in the Wilson administration, are the preponderance of the Obama administration, drawing stuff up on chalkboards and writing it down in voluminous pieces of legislation that sound great. But just like any plan — and I’ve seen this in the military — it has to survive first contact. In the military, first contact is with the enemy. In politics, first contact is with reality — and progressive socialist politics reside in the world of utopianism, not reality.
So here we are with a president who seemingly hasn’t a clue how businesses operate. But he does know how to play to the masses and offer trite rhetoric like “income inequality” in order to buy votes.
In the end, employers are demonized as Obama seems the great savior from on high. What employers and those who reside in the world of reality must do is sit with their employees on a regular basis and explain the adverse effects of Obama’s inane game of thrones as it affects them. There’s only one way to combat the propaganda emanating from the “bully pulpit” and that is to have regular conversations.
If we don’t make it personal, as liberal progressives do, then we lose. We have to look Americans in the eye and sincerely and factually, articulate how Obama and his apostles do not care. We have the power of the truth – we should use it.
When President Obama comes out and gives one of these “I am using my pen” speeches, there should be an immediate rapid response action (just like in physics, an equal and opposite reaction) at multiple levels to challenge his deceptions, distortions, and lies.


 Citizens may feel it is a waste of time to contact elected leaders, because their minds are made up already. But on most issues, legislators try hard to determine the desires and leanings of their constituency before they vote. Politicians worry about being re-elected, and know that the happier their constituency, the more likely their own re-election.
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1 comment:

  1. Out of courtesy to Allen West, as well as all bloggers and websites, it is common practice to take less than 2/3rds or less of an article. Please be careful as this is the entire article shared here.


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